tiney tips is a huge collection of EYFS-based activites and ideas for both you and your childminder to try. We partner with specialists in Early Years, experts on social media, our growing childminder community, along with our own in-house Education gurus to generate ideas and collections for you to try at home. All of our tips are based on the seven areas of learning from the EYFS to progress your child’s learning journey.
Communication and language
Physical development
Personal, social, and emotional
Literacy development
Mathematics development
Understanding the world
Expressive arts and design
tiney tips are designed to help you harness children’s curiosity, whilst making your weekly planning easy. Tips collections are loaded with vibrant learning opportunities that enable, excite and inspire young minds.
We know play is a superpower and here at tiney we want all our activities and ideas to start from a place of fun. Tips are easy to follow and often use simple items you’ll already have around the house.
We regularly highlight a ‘tip of the week ’ on social media and have themed collections throughout the year to link to what’s happening locally and in the wider world. Don’t forget to share your activites on social and tag #tiney
We are on a mission to constantly suggest ways for our play to be more sustainable. Repurposing items for new uses, making use of second hand toys or toy swaps, using natural materials for crafts and making the most out of our outdoor environment are all great ideas.
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