Muddy Munchkins was created to bring a difference into early years daycare. As most childcare settings are indoor based, we bring the outdoors closer to your children, spending minimum 2-3x more time outside, so your children can enjoy all the benefits of outdoor play, that have long term effects on their lives, like improved:
- physical health & fitness
- cognitive skills & emotional resilience
- imagination & creativity
- confidence & risk assessment
Our setting is small, so it feels like a family, giving personal attention to each child.
At our little urban homestead, we spend most days playing in the garden, growing and making our own food, caring for our pets, going on nature walks, having camping fun, making art, learning music, while also enjoying indoor activities, visiting playgroups and going on special outings.
I value KINDNESS, CREATIVITY, DIVERSITY, NATURE & MINDFULNESS and build these qualities into my EYFS based curriculum.