A safe, lovely and warm tiney home, within minutes from transport links, easy access to the library, parks and playgrounds. I offer school pickups and after school club.
I own a frendly dog, a chihuahua called Nina, which the children enjoy caring for. I feel that keeping animals helps the children to learn how to treat animals properly and helps them to understand respect for creatures as well as fellow children and adults.
My biggest achievement is the knowledge I gained, traveling and working in different countries, although, discovering the world through a child’s eye is what I find the most fascinating. Therefore, being able to be part of a childs journey, making a difference in a family’s life and seeing them excel and flourish, knowing that you have influenced and helped their development, is a gift and a privelege.
I make sure that children get outside daily, exploring and getting plenty of exercise. There will also be weekly trips to the local library, embolding their curiosity in books.