My tiney home offers many different activities and locations. There are many parks near by as well as libraries. My tiney home also has many simple transport links as well as a free parking space. The playroom has been set up to ensure children are having fun as well as developing their learning. This playroom also has a sleeping area as well as a changing area, with a toilet nearby for older children. The meals provided are fresh and hearty and the house is a smoke free house.
I have set up my tiney Home to be inclusive and welcoming for all families. I provide fresh home cooked meals and ensure I meet different dietary requirements to support every child with a healthy and hearty diet as well as promote good food for the children to learn. As a mother of 4 myself, I understand exactly how important taking care of our children is and I have and always will make it my mission to ensure every child is given a sense of belonging, love, and care in my tiney Home.