A cosy and welcoming, child-centred tiney home, with a family feel and secure grassy garden.
We go outdoors every day, walking the safe, local pathways to Mary Elton Primary school every morning and afternoon, as well as attending regular singing and playgroups, visiting local parks or the library.
I have two children of my own, aged 2 and 4, and offer a playful, creative curriculum, based on the children's interests, throughout our downstairs and garden.
I'm Hazel, mother to two children aged four and two and I have lived in Clevedon for around 6 years. I am a qualified teacher and experienced early years practitioner. My specialist subject is languages, but I love anything creative, crafty and especially messy, including cooking and the great outdoors! I provide balanced lunches and healthy snacks, including flavours from around the world. Ours is an inclusive setting where different backgrounds, cultures and religions are celebrated.